Elevador de Santa Justa (Santa Justa Lift) Lisbon’s Iconic Lift

“Immerse in the Journey: Audio Stories and Step-by-Step Directions Await Within the Description to Explore and Navigate Each Destination”

“Get Ready: Grab Your Headphones and Phone for an Enriching GPS-Guided Journey with Captivating Audio Narration”

Recommendations for restaurants near Santa Justa Lift with the highest ratings on Tripadvisor.

Where to eat.
  1. Cotidiano Lisboa (Healthy, Café)

  1. Crossroad10 (European, Asian, Contemporary, Healthy)

  1. Nova Wine Bar

  1. daPrata52 (Mediterranean, European, Portuguese, Contemporary)

  1. A Minhota da Prata (Mediterranean, European, Portuguese)

  1. Kong – Food Made With Compassion (Healthy)

  1. Organi Chiado (Mediterranean, Healthy)

Touch each icon to get the information.

How to get there

By bus
  • Recommendation: Use the metro for faster and easier transportation in the city. Save time and navigate with ease by choosing the metro as your preferred mode of transportation“.

1. Bus 714: This route connects Lisbon Airport with Praça do Comércio, passing through the city center and Avenida da Liberdade. View bus stops on the map

2. Bus 728: This route runs from Martim Moniz to Praça do Comércio, passing through Santa Apolónia train station and the Alfama district.View bus stops on the map

3. Bus 732: This route connects Oriente Station with Praça do Comércio, passing through Avenida Infante Dom Henrique and the Parque das Nações area.View bus stops on the map

4. Bus 737: This route goes from Campolide to Praça do Comércio, passing through Marquês de Pombal and Avenida da Liberdade. View bus stops on the map

5. Bus 746: This route connects Belém train station with Praça do Comércio, passing through Belém Tower and Jerónimos Monastery.View bus stops on the map

Download PDF of bus routes and stops





By underground

Here are the complete instructions on how to reach the Elevador de Santa Justa using the metro:


Scenario 1: If you are on the Red Line (Linha Vermelha)


Head in the direction of São Sebastião.
Transfer at Alameda station to the Green Line (Linha Verde).
Continue on the Green Line in the direction of Cais do Sodré.
Get off at Baixa-Chiado station.
Exit the metro station and follow the signs for Rua Garrett.
Walk along Rua Garrett until you reach the Largo do Carmo square.
Continue straight and you will see the Elevador de Santa Justa on your right.


Scenario 2: If you are on the Blue Line (Linha Azul)


Head in the direction of Santa Apolónia.
Transfer at Baixa-Chiado station to the Green Line (Linha Verde).
Continue on the Green Line in the direction of Cais do Sodré.
Get off at Baixa-Chiado station.
Exit the metro station and follow the signs for Rua Garrett.
Walk along Rua Garrett until you reach the Largo do Carmo square.
Continue straight and you will see the Elevador de Santa Justa on your right.


Scenario 3: If you are on the Yellow Line (Linha Amarela) –


Head in the direction of Rato.
Transfer at Marquês de Pombal station to the Blue Line (Linha Azul).
Head in the direction of Santa Apolónia.
Transfer at Baixa-Chiado station to the Green Line (Linha Verde).
Continue on the Green Line in the direction of Cais do Sodré.

Get off at Baixa-Chiado station.
Exit the metro station and follow the signs for Rua Garrett.
Walk along Rua Garrett until you reach the Largo do Carmo square.
Continue straight and you will see the Elevador de Santa Justa on your right.

Please note that the Elevador de Santa Justa is a historic elevator located in Lisbon, Portugal. It provides panoramic views of the city and connects the Baixa district to the Bairro Alto district. Enjoy your visit!

Above in the photo gallery you will find the map in real size.

By train

Note: Please use the following instructions only if you are located on the outskirts of Lisbon. If you are already in the city center or following itinerary number 1, please disregard these train directions.


From any point on the line heading to Santa Apolónia:


Take the train towards Santa Apolónia.
Get off at Santa Apolónia station.
Inside Santa Apolónia station, look for the entrance to the metro (blue line).
Take the metro towards Baixa-Chiado.
Get off at Baixa-Chiado station.
Exit the metro station and follow the signs directing you to Rua Garrett.
Walk along Rua Garrett until you reach the Largo do Carmo square.
Continue straight and you will see the Elevador de Santa Justa on your right.


From any point on the Cascais line:


Take the train on the Cascais line heading to Cais do Sodré.
Get off at Cais do Sodré station.
From Cais do Sodré station, take the metro (green line) towards Baixa-Chiado.
Get off at Baixa-Chiado station.
Exit the metro station and follow the signs directing you to Rua Garrett.
Walk along Rua Garrett until you reach the Largo do Carmo square.
Continue straight and you will see the Elevador de Santa Justa on your right.


From any point on the Sintra line:


Take the train on the Sintra line heading to Rossio.
Get off at Rossio station.
Follow the signs directing you to Rua Garrett.
Walk along Rua Garrett until you reach the Largo do Carmo square.
Continue straight and you will see the Elevador de Santa Justa on your right.


Please note that once you arrive at the respective station, you should follow the previously mentioned directions to reach the Elevador de Santa Justa.


Explore the beauty of Santa Justa Elevator with ease!

Simply click on the ‘Take me to Santa Justa Elevator’ button below, and it will automatically open the Google Maps application on your mobile device or computer.

The starting location will already be configured, so you just need to follow the step-by-step directions provided by Google Maps. Enjoy a hassle-free stroll as you’re guided through the best routes to reach this iconic landmark in Lisbon. Exploring the city couldn’t be easier with the help of Google Maps!

Please make sure to add the appropriate button on your website with the necessary functionality to open the Google Maps application with the preconfigured location.

Once you arrive at the site, listen to a brief explanation of the history of the place.

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The Santa Justa Elevator, also known as Elevador de Santa Justa, is an impressive architectural structure located in the heart of Lisbon. Designed by Raoul Mesnier du Ponsard, a disciple of Gustave Eiffel, this historic elevator has become one of the city’s most iconic landmarks.

Built in the late 19th century, the Santa Justa Elevator was originally intended to connect the lower streets of Baixa with the elevated neighborhood of Bairro Alto. Its construction aimed to provide a convenient and efficient transportation solution for both residents and visitors.

Standing at a height of 45 meters (148 feet), the elevator is a remarkable blend of Gothic and Moorish architectural styles. Its intricate ironwork and detailed filigree designs showcase the creativity and craftsmanship of the era. As you ascend the elevator, you’ll be treated to breathtaking panoramic views of Lisbon’s picturesque cityscape.

Interestingly, the Santa Justa Elevator was initially powered by steam and used large water accumulators to create the necessary pressure. In 1907, it was converted to electric operation, which significantly improved its efficiency and reliability.

Today, the elevator not only serves as a means of transportation but also as a major tourist attraction. Its convenient location near popular landmarks like Rossio Square and Carmo Convent makes it easily accessible for visitors eager to explore the city’s historical treasures.

Whether you choose to ride the elevator for its practicality or simply to admire its architectural splendor, the Santa Justa Elevator is a must-visit destination in Lisbon. Soak in the rich history and enjoy the breathtaking views as you embark on this unique journey through time.

Please note that there may be queues during peak tourist seasons, so it’s advisable to plan your visit accordingly.

L’ascenseur de Santa Justa, également connu sous le nom d’Elevador de Santa Justa, est une impressionnante structure architecturale située au cœur de Lisbonne. Conçu par Raoul Mesnier du Ponsard, disciple de Gustave Eiffel, cet ascenseur historique est devenu l’un des monuments emblématiques de la ville.

Construit à la fin du XIXe siècle, l’ascenseur de Santa Justa avait initialement pour but de relier les rues basses de Baixa au quartier surélevé de Bairro Alto. Sa construction visait à offrir une solution de transport pratique et efficace tant pour les résidents que pour les visiteurs.

Culminant à une hauteur de 45 mètres, l’ascenseur est un remarquable mélange de styles architecturaux gothique et mauresque. Ses ouvrages de fer intricats et ses motifs détaillés en filigrane témoignent de la créativité et du savoir-faire de l’époque. En montant dans l’ascenseur, vous pourrez profiter de vues panoramiques à couper le souffle sur le paysage pittoresque de Lisbonne.

Fait intéressant, l’ascenseur de Santa Justa était à l’origine alimenté à la vapeur et utilisait de grands accumulateurs d’eau pour créer la pression nécessaire. En 1907, il a été converti en fonctionnement électrique, ce qui a considérablement amélioré son efficacité et sa fiabilité.

Aujourd’hui, l’ascenseur sert non seulement de moyen de transport, mais aussi d’attraction touristique majeure. Sa situation pratique à proximité de sites populaires tels que la place Rossio et le couvent de Carmo le rend facilement accessible aux visiteurs désireux d’explorer les trésors historiques de la ville.

Que vous choisissiez de prendre l’ascenseur pour sa praticité ou simplement pour admirer sa splendeur architecturale, l’ascenseur de Santa Justa est une destination incontournable à Lisbonne. Imprégnez-vous de l’histoire riche et profitez des vues à couper le souffle lors de cette expérience unique à travers le temps.

Veuillez noter qu’il peut y avoir des files d’attente pendant les périodes touristiques chargées, il est donc conseillé de planifier votre visite en conséquence.

El Elevador de Santa Justa, también conocido como Elevador de Santa Justa, es una impresionante estructura arquitectónica ubicada en el corazón de Lisboa. Diseñado por Raoul Mesnier du Ponsard, discípulo de Gustave Eiffel, este histórico ascensor se ha convertido en uno de los monumentos más emblemáticos de la ciudad.

Construido a finales del siglo XIX, el Elevador de Santa Justa tenía inicialmente el propósito de conectar las calles bajas de Baixa con el elevado barrio de Bairro Alto. Su construcción buscaba ofrecer una solución de transporte conveniente y eficiente tanto para los residentes como para los visitantes.

Con una altura de 45 metros, el ascensor es una notable mezcla de estilos arquitectónicos gótico y morisco. Su intrincada herrería y detallados diseños de filigrana muestran la creatividad y habilidad artesanal de la época. Al ascender en el elevador, podrás disfrutar de impresionantes vistas panorámicas del pintoresco paisaje urbano de Lisboa.

Interesantemente, el Elevador de Santa Justa originalmente funcionaba con vapor y utilizaba grandes acumuladores de agua para crear la presión necesaria. En 1907, se convirtió a funcionamiento eléctrico, lo que mejoró significativamente su eficiencia y confiabilidad.

En la actualidad, el ascensor no solo sirve como medio de transporte, sino también como una importante atracción turística. Su ubicación conveniente cerca de lugares populares como la Plaza Rossio y el Convento do Carmo lo hace fácilmente accesible para los visitantes ansiosos por explorar los tesoros históricos de la ciudad.

Ya sea que elijas tomar el ascensor por su practicidad o simplemente para admirar su esplendor arquitectónico, el Elevador de Santa Justa es un destino imperdible en Lisboa. Sumérgete en su rica historia y disfruta de las impresionantes vistas mientras emprendes este viaje único a través del tiempo.

Ten en cuenta que puede haber colas durante las temporadas turísticas más concurridas, por lo que se recomienda planificar tu visita en consecuencia.

Der Santa Justa Aufzug, auch bekannt als Elevador de Santa Justa, ist eine beeindruckende architektonische Struktur im Herzen von Lissabon. Entworfen von Raoul Mesnier du Ponsard, einem Schüler von Gustave Eiffel, ist dieser historische Aufzug zu einer der bekanntesten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt geworden.

Der Aufzug wurde Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts erbaut und sollte ursprünglich die unteren Straßen von Baixa mit dem erhöhten Viertel Bairro Alto verbinden. Sein Bau hatte zum Ziel, sowohl für Einwohner als auch für Besucher eine praktische und effiziente Transportlösung zu bieten.

Mit einer Höhe von 45 Metern ist der Aufzug eine bemerkenswerte Mischung aus gotischen und maurischen architektonischen Stilen. Seine kunstvollen Eisenarbeiten und detaillierten filigranen Designs zeugen von der Kreativität und Handwerkskunst der damaligen Zeit. Während der Fahrt mit dem Aufzug können Sie atemberaubende Panoramablicke auf die malerische Stadtlandschaft von Lissabon genießen.

Interessanterweise wurde der Santa Justa Aufzug ursprünglich mit Dampf betrieben und verwendete große Wasserspeicher, um den erforderlichen Druck zu erzeugen. Im Jahr 1907 wurde er auf elektrischen Betrieb umgestellt, was seine Effizienz und Zuverlässigkeit erheblich verbesserte.

Heutzutage dient der Aufzug nicht nur als Transportmittel, sondern auch als wichtige Touristenattraktion. Durch seine günstige Lage in der Nähe beliebter Wahrzeichen wie dem Rossio-Platz und dem Carmo-Kloster ist er leicht zugänglich für Besucher, die die historischen Schätze der Stadt erkunden möchten.

Ob Sie den Aufzug aufgrund seiner Praktikabilität oder einfach nur bewundern möchten, er ist ein Muss in Lissabon. Tauchen Sie ein in die reiche Geschichte und genießen Sie die atemberaubende Aussicht auf dieser einzigartigen Zeitreise.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass es während der touristischen Hochsaison zu Wartezeiten kommen kann. Planen Sie daher Ihren Besuch entsprechend.

Closest Nearby Destination: Discover the Next Stop from Here

Discover Convento do Carmo: An Exquisite Destination for International Travelers

The distance between the Santa Justa Lift and the Convento do Carmo (Carmo Convent) in Lisbon is approximately 350 meters.


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